The Council of Kerlile published a statement expressing disappointment in the government of Xiomera, led by Empress Calhualyana, after an announcement that Xiomera would be basing military forces in Iskiram, a nation in Neria which is classified as “Dangerous” on the Kerlian
In a deepening of their alliance, the governments of Iskiram and Xiomera have announced plans for Xiomera to build a military base in Iskiram in exchange for weapons technology. The deal calls for Xiomera to build a military base in At Khalad,
A naval base in Auria has become the center of heavy fighting. The incident began when a group of rebellious soldiers and local partisans loyal to the deposed Queen Sophie staged a revolt and occupied the Queen Marija Naval Base in Côte-Verte,
The Federation of Lauchenoiria has announced their intent to withdraw their ships from the naval blockade of Cape Auria, and cease their enforcement patrols of the no-fly zone. The blockade has been in place since the beginning of August last year following
The insurgency led by the Golden Blade terrorist group has carved out a large section of Huenyan territory for its would-be independent state, despite the efforts of Huenyan authorities to restore control over the area. As shown above, the “State of Apozanolotl”