Slokais Islands has Elections, every 4 years. However every 2 years the Slokasian Legislature has the opportunity to hold elections at the end of that year. On the last day of the 2021 Session, an election was called. This means all 644
It’s been half a year since the Union of Caxcanan States was officially announced in October 2021, and even though recent geopolitical developments have put strain on the UCS member states and their foreign relations, developments such as freedom of movement and
Spartacus Jones was born Robert Jones, however, at the age of 37, his personality is around his new name Spartacus Jones. Jones is part of the Afro-Slokasian community the descendants of slaves brought over during the 1800s. Jones was a drummer in
Breakaway Huenyan state seeks recognition: The breakaway state emerging in southeastern Huenya, the State of Apozanolotl, has formally begun seeking recognition as an independent nation. The Xiomeran Empire was quick to recognize the new state and establish diplomatic relations, although there has
Sanctus – Former Ambassador to the World Assembly, Dr. Katherine Saunders, has narrowly edged out Sanctus City Councillor Ethan Ringrose to be the next President of the Divine Federation. Saunders, who won with 52% of the vote, becomes the first Sanctarian Conservative
The Milintican Ministry of Trade, in cooperation with the Milintican Autoworkers’ Union and MNAC (Milintican National Automotive Cooperative), have announced they will begin exporting the MNAC Model 1 sedan. The MNAC M1 has been manufactured in Milintica for domestic use since 1965,
Sanctus – Former Ambassador to the World Assembly, Dr. Katherine Saunders, is currently leading Councillor Ethan Ringrose by a razor-thin 3 points in the latest Sanctarian National Times poll, this paper can reveal. Saunders, who had been trailing Ringrose until this point,
From his exile in Serriel, the son of Xiomera’s deposed former Emperor Xochiuhue has extended an offer to the international community: help me depose the current ruler, and I will negotiate an end to the multiple crises in Caxcana linked to Xiomera.