Huenyan government officials and travelers alike celebrated today as FedRail, the national high speed rail service, officially reopened its first line of service today.
The Huenyan rail system consists of 885 miles of high-speed railways, but the service had been heavily damaged by withdrawing Xiomeran forces at the end of the civil war that created Huenya. The reopening of the line between the national capital Chuaztlapoc and the nation’s largest city Ixtenco is being touted as an example of the country’s will to rebuild following the war.
“This is just the beginning of our renewal,” Cuzcolla, the director of FedRail, told DTNS at the reopening ceremony. FedRail hopes to have two other lines, between Chuaztlapoc and the cities of Ixtlán and Ahuacatlán, opened as well by the end of the year. “By the end of 2023, all of FedRail should be back to normal service.” The director added that the rapid progress would not have been possible without aid received by Huenya from other countries, including Laeral and Eiria, and said that FedRail was “most appreciative” of the ongoing assistance.
The reopening of the high-speed rail service is being seen as a much needed win for the beleagured administration of Vice-Speaker Tiacihitli. Protests against slow economic recovery, and the ongoing failure of the government to stop the insurgency in southeastern Huenya, have been occurring for weeks in the capital, and have spread to other cities.