Federation City, New Centralia – Recent events half a world away are having strong reverberations back home. The ongoing conflict between Huenya and Xiomera has forced many Huenyans to flee their homes to escape the violence. Further, increasingly autocratic measures by Empress Calhualyana and her regime have also resulted in Xiomerans fleeing the country. On the whole, emigration from Eastern Caxcana has been increasing in recent years, and many are increasingly turning to Greater Acadia as their final destination.
Interviews by the Greater Acadian Times and other news outlets have found that these immigrants have chosen Acadia as their new home for the country’s relative stability, economic prosperity, and it’s open and inclusive society. However, increasingly, these immigrants and refugees have been running into a roadblock many of them were not prepared for. They’re having trouble finding a place to live.
This should not be too difficult in theory. Acadia has a robust public housing system, pulling funding from various levels of government, as well as generous funding provided by local co-ops, small businesses, and joint-ownership agreements between tenants. For over sixty years, this system has guided the development of Acadian cities from shanty-town slums to strong, prosperous, and vibrant communities. However, the recent influx of immigrants and refugees have pushed this system to the breaking point, with the number of new apartments and townhouses under construction being outstripped by growing demand. Port Royal in particular has been hit hard, as the city is often the first stop for many of these new arrivals.
It’s now gotten to the point that, should immigration rates and the pace of new construction remain the same, Acadia will run out of units by the second quarter of next year. This would immediately reverse historically low rates of homelessness which have been maintained since 1982. According to Pamela Davies, Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, the nation’s housing sector is facing a crisis point.
“We cannot let this get to that point.” She says. “A cornerstone of Acadian society is that everyone has a roof over their head, food on the table, and access to quality healthcare. If we fail to provide one of these three basic needs, then were are failing as a state and as a society.” As a result, the Gargant government has tabled Bill A-112 to Parliament hoping to head this coming collapse off at the pass. The Bill, also known as the “Acadian Homes and Families Act” would inject $12 Billion into the housing industry, providing additional funding to accelerate home construction.
Championed by both Prime Minister Timothy Gargant and President Jean Pierreault, many other MPs and Senators have voiced their support for the bill. “This is a criticially-needed piece of legislation.” Said Okchobee Senator Sandra Moulnier. “This will not only provide housing for those who’ve already lost everything, but it will hopefully secure housing for families across Greater Acadia.”