Huenya requests return of wanted exiles

Quiachuaqui, Chief Prosecutor of the SIPS

The government of Huenya has formally requested that Serriel extradite dozens of individuals wanted for crimes committed during the Second Xiomeran Civil War.

The Special Investigative and Prosecutorial Service (SIPS), the law enforcement arm of Huenya’s truth and reconciliation commission, delivered warrants for 52 people to Serrielian authorities today. The list includes Xiomeran officials stationed in Huenya during the war who are accused of war crimes, as well as family members and business associates of the deposed Emperor Xochiuhue. The family members are accused of war crimes as well, and also accused of stealing billions of quetzals’ worth of government funds on their way into exile. The SIPS has also begun tracing those funds, and formally requesting that other countries, including Serriel, return them to Huenya. Other countries that may have former Xiomeran suspects connected to the war in them may soon begin receiving extradition requests from the SIPS as well.

“The ill-gotten gains of the family of Xochiuhue should be compensating their victims in Huenya, and helping us rebuild, not ensuring that the family of that arch-murderer lives in comfort and safety,” Quiachuaqui, Chief Prosecutor of the SIPS, told DTNS upon issuance of the requests. “And the people who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Huenya during the war must also face justice.”

It is unclear what leverage, if any, Huenya’s government can bring to ensure the return of the wanted individuals or any funds they may have taken with them into exile. Standing warrants for the accused individuals will be dispatched to all relevant international law enforcement agencies, but it will depend on the willingness of those nations to honor the warrants. Xiomera also has standing warrants out for the family members of the former Emperor, and would likely dispute any attempt to return them to Huenya.

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