Sanctus – Patriarch Luke VI used his Easter Sunday sermon this morning in the Basilica of St. George in Heaven to plead for peace in the International Democratic Union, amidst the specter of potential invasions in Caxcana and heightened tensions in Hesperida. He preached that Easter was a “time of rebirth and renewal” and “a time to take stock of our actions and begin anew”.
Luke VI, who will mark five years as head of the Church of Sanctaria this September, appeared more frail than usual, with reports that he had recently fought off a particularly nasty winter flu. The cleric will turn 82 years of age this summer and had previously said he felt he had “at least 10 to 15 good years left in me, God-willing”. The Patriarch participated in all services to mark the Easter period this year, but at a significantly slower pace than previous appearances.
His message for peace echos that made at Christmas, when he noted the tensions in the South Xiomeran Sea had the potential to “be disastrous for humanity, at this time when we celebrate innocence and beauty”. Though he has in this Easter message also refrained from selecting particular nations by name for criticism, it is generally understood that he views the Xiomeras as sowers of discord in the Caxcana region, and is concerned for Sanctarian Catholics on the continent within their sphere of influence too.
The Patriarch also preached how Jesus’ resurrection was a symbol of change, and that for the first time “humanity was shown how our fundamental beliefs can change in an instant, and when they are directions from Him, we can be confident to follow such wholeheartedly”. Some believe this is an indication that the rumoured changes to Church doctrine, more specifically in regard to clerical celibacy, will finally be announced this year, months after they were initially expected.
EDWARD ALLENS, Religion Correspondent