
Kerlian Men CAN Compete in Olympics; Council Blames “Admin Error” for Confusion

The Council of Kerlile today issued a statement that males from Kerlile will indeed be permitted to compete in the Olympics, and that an “administrative error” was responsible for the submission of a roster that omitted their participation. Last month it was reported that men would not be allowed to compete for Kerlile, prompting fears of backsliding on reform. However, the statement from the Council today makes it clear that this is not the case, and that a corrected roster has been submitted to the Olympic committee.

“An administrative error relating to male passports led to delays in granting male athletes permits to exit the Matriarchy, which in turn prevented their inclusion on our olympic roster. Upon discovering the issue, it was quickly corrected, and we are pleased to announce that men will indeed be competing for Kerlile this year – and more men than ever before,” read the statement issued today.

Indeed, more male athletes are included on the newly submitted roster than at the previous olympiad; the first where Kerlian men were allowed to compete. Men are still prohibited from taking part in either archery or fencing due to restrictions on males using weaponry in Kerlile, however. The announcement today is likely to be met with relief by those who believed this was a sign that the efforts of the Reform Party have begun to fail.

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