
Doatia launches several air strikes against PNDS, ARL

Several priority targets of the PNDS and ARL, two combatant factions in Roucourt, have been hit. This comes as Commander of the Doatian Armed Forces (DAF) has indicated that this is the beginning of a much longer and extensive campaign against forces violently resisting the recognized government of Roucourt. A portion of her statement below:

“We must act in the best interests of all citizens of Roucourt. Instead of pursuing the best interests of all Roucourt’s people, and joining us at the negotiating table, the PNDS and ARL have consistently put innocent lives at risk and taken steps that have further destabilized the nation. Acting in accordance with the agreement we have with Roucourt’s government, these strikes are just the beginning. The ARL and PNDS are officially put on notice: with or without Xiomera, they will not conquer Roucourt. We will continue to hold their feet to the fire. On that note, I’d like to conclude by announcing that DAF will officially request the deployment of ground forces and tanks in Roucourt, at the personal request of Queen Aiyisha. Roucourt must be free to govern itself, peacefully and with stability. Doatia’s intentions are a strong diplomatic relationship, a strong economic and perhaps military alliance, and a stable Roucourt.”

Queen Aiyisha’s visit has proven productive, as she is currently participating in mediation talks between the democratic factions and Roucourt’s existing government. Working out the final details of the coalition government. A quote from a speech she recently gave during a mediation meeting below:

“Doatia is nothing without Roucourt. And Roucourt is nothing without Doatia. We are intertwined. We share a planet, a region, oceans, lands, peoples, languages, cultures, faiths, ideologies, and much more. You ask what Doatia has at stake, regarding peace and prosperity in Roucourt? Only our very future! In an increasingly global world, one does not need a geography crash-course to understand that events even on the other side of the planet can have huge impacts on people everywhere. And how can Doatia claim to support humanitarian causes if we aren’t persistent in our approach to these issues?”

Queen Aiyisha has announced the creation of the “World Hope Foundation”, of which she is chair. Asking wealthy people, governments and corporations to pool their resources together to fulfill the organizations mission, the organization already has over 5,000 organization and individual donors. Mission: In persistent pursuit of an equitable, just, equal, and free world; food for all, shelter for all, health for all, education for all.” Their first priority? Constructing temporary housing settlements in Roucourt for those displaced by the ongoing conflict, that is if they get permission to proceed. There are also plans to construct hospitals, elementary and secondary schools, permanent housing, and utility and basic infrastructure in Roucourt.

The organization invites anyone to reach out to them to request investment and support.

The current budget bill currently being drafted by Chancellor Bernadino’s coalition also includes language to heavily invest in Roucourt’s recovery and open up diplomatic and economic opportunities with the nation. The Queen has submitted a letter to the Chamber requesting a significant investment from Doatia to the World Hope Foundation (WHF).

Doatian Journal Correspondent, James Wilkos

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