Underground Kerlian publishing company Free Kerlian Press today announced the publication of a shocking book, titled A Daughter’s Manifesto, which reveals the details of an alleged “massacre” of six families in 1934; said to be the families of six additional unknown Founding Mothers of Kerlile. The book, written by an individual who claims to be descended from one of these women, alleges that there were originally sixteen founders of Kerlile, only for six to be “erased from history”.
The account is bound to send shockwaves throughout both Kerlile and the world, if it is proven to be true. The Council of Kerlile reacted by immediately banning the book, placing it on the red list – making possession of a copy a capital crime. This category has not been used since the 2006 text Gynarchy, and the Unmaking of a Dream, whose author was executed five years later. The immediate banning of the book, while not concrete proof, is certainly indicative that the Council does not want even the possibility discussed.
Author Amelia Quinn, whose location is unknown, said of the publication: “I first wrote this in 2021, at the urging of my mother. I am the product of a strange alliance, between two factions who, at first glance, should have little in common but for being thought wiped out by the wider public. Two secret factions; who surely cannot both win at the same time? Well, that’s the problem I was created to solve.”
“For the Story of the Six is my family’s story,” she continued. “My family, and five others who unfortunately did not survive to see this day, was the victim of an attempt to not only wipe us out, but wipe out our existence from history. I am the great-great-granddaughter of a Founder of Kerlile, through the female line. My mother should sit on the Council of Kerlile… and yet she does not.”
“Perhaps you will find this story to be unrealistic. I deeply wish this was the case. I, however, offer proof in the form of documents gathered from across the globe that attest to my great-great-grandmother’s existence and part in the Kerlian Project; alongside those of five other unknown Founders.”
“It is odd being a Kerlian who is a product of what was, by all measures, a tactical marriage. Kerlians do not do such things. Except, I’m also a North Fleuran. That might give you some pause. North Fleura ceased to exist over a hundred years ago. And I am a mere twenty-three years old. Well, it is time you learned who I am.”
“My name varies depending on who you ask. In the Kerlian Citizen Identity Database, I am listed as Amy Price. In truth, I am either Amelia Quinn, by the Kerlian reckoning… or Princess Amelia of North Fleura. I am the descendant of two notable individuals. First and foremost, I am the great-great-granddaughter of Audrey Quinn, one of the Six Secret Founders of Kerlile. My great-great-grandmother was killed in the Castle of Grapes Massacre, the one the world forgot. My great-grandmother, then just a new-born baby, escaped.”
“Secondly, I am the great-granddaughter of an individual who went by the name Harriet, but whose real name was Princess Henrietta of North Fleura. Or, rather, it should have been. Henrietta, like Edith Hart, was the product of a distant branch of the Fleuran Royal Family. Hart used her claim to assist in the creation of Kerlile. Henrietta, who had the best claim (historians may call them equal; but I digress), had to go into hiding. She died in it.”
“At first, the two families I am descended from did not know of each other’s continued existence. Things transpired during the Civil War, however, to bring my parents together. And they decided to combine their causes. I am the result of that union.”
“And it’s time we tell our story.”
Read the introduction to A Daughter’s Manifesto here.