
Xiomera issues support to Eïkangärd

In his weekly address to the nation yesterday, the Prime Minister confirmed that Xiomeran forces had participated in a recent exercise conducted by Eïkangärd on their border with Whetosonghnee. “The 15th Mountain Division of the Imperial Army, along with air support provided by the 1st Fighter Wing of the Imperial Aerospace Force, joined our Eïkan friends in a very successful joint exercise.” The Prime Minister added that Xiomera was reaffirming its support for Eïkangärd in its dispute with its neighbor. “Whetosonghnee would be well-advised to cooperate with Eïkangärd in this dispute. Xiomera is prepared to provide additional forces to support Eïkangärd should they be needed. Should that happen, and they have to face the best of both Eïkangärd and Xiomera, the nation of Whetosonghnee would have a very bad day. So it is in their best interest to be cooperative.”

Huenya to consider proposal to create Xiomeran homelands

The government of Huenya is reviving a proposal to create an ethnic Xiomeran homeland in the country, in an attempt to blunt the appeal of the Golden Blade terrorist group to ethnic Xiomerans.

The proposal was previously brought up by the administration of then Vice-Speaker Tiacihitli, but failed to gain sufficient support in the Huenyan Federal Legislature after a bitter debate. With the recent unrest, however, the proposal has regained steam and has a surprising champion: Vice-Speaker Xiadani. “Calhualyana’s goal is clearly to divide ethnic Xiomerans and other Huenyans, and their seizures of land in Huenya are described as ‘giving ethnic Xiomerans in Huenya a home.’ We should be the ones doing that, not a tyrannical land thief and sponsor of terrorism,” Xiadani told the Legislature today in its first meeting since the beginning of the current uprising.

The proposal would create a territory for ethnic Xiomerans in Huenya in areas where they represent a majority of the population, matching the territories of the Itotemoc, Tepiltzin and Necatli. Critics of the proposal argue that it will merely divide Huenyans further. They also call the proposal a betrayal of the pan-Huenyan ideal that the Huenyan state was founded on, and that it would reinstate the cultural and territorial occupation of non-ethnic Xiomeran land in Huenya by Xiomerans.

Supporters of the plan, however, state that it is unfair for Xiomerans to be the only group in Huenya without a specific territory of their own. They argue that lack of a territory has been one of the major elements fueling the resentment of the Huenyan state among ethnic Xiomerans that led to the current insurgency. “Taking that lever away from Calhualyana is absolutely essential if we are to win the fight against separatism in this country. If ethnic Xiomerans feel like they have a home of their own in Huenya, there isn’t a reason for them to rebel anymore,” Xiadani told the legislature.

The Legislature is expected to make a decision on the proposal by the end of the week.

Salad Land freezes Xiomeran assets

The government of Salad Land announced today that it was freezing all Xiomeran funds in Saladian offshore bank accounts. The Saladian government said that it was a response to the recent insurgency in Huenya. “The events in Huenya are a reprehensible and heinous violation of the sovereignty of another nation. The international community has a responsibility to respond,” Prime Minister Leighton Taylor said.

Salad Land is one of the largest offshore banking centers in the IDU, and has long been criticized for its lax banking regulations. The sudden move to restrict Xiomeran access to its banking sector came as a surprise, and caused a vitriolic reaction from Xiomera. “Saladian thieves will not be allowed to take our funds with no recourse. If the Saladian government does not release the Xiomeran funds currently in their accounts, there will be severe consequences,” a statement from the Xiomeran government warned.

Xiomeran officials also stated that they believe the situation in Huenya is merely a pretext for the “notoriously corrupt” ruler of Salad Land, the Marquis de Salad, to seize Xiomeran funds for himself. Saladian officials dismissed the Xiomeran accusation as ridiculous, stating that the country would not jeopardize its position in the international finance system with the reputational harm that such a seizure would cause. “Once Xiomera ceases its support for terrorism in Huenya and stops menacing its neighbors, they can have their funds back. It is really that simple,” Taylor said.

It is estimated that Xiomeran businesses and individuals have billions of quetzals in Saladian banks, and that high-profile individuals such as Empress Calhualyana, Prime Minister Toquihu, and multiple Xiomeran CEOs will be directly impacted by the freeze.

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