
Council of Kerlile To Allow Remote Participation

The Council of Kerlile has announced that beginning from next Monday, they will allow their members to join Council meetings using a remote video link. This has previously been forbidden, with rules against even the presence of technology with recording capacity in the Council Chamber only being overturned a mere two years ago. The new ruling on remote links will allow Councillors to join sessions while attending events abroad, and will remove the need to appoint a proxy from within one’s own family for certain session.

The move will also allow Councillor Jennifer Hale, who moved to Lauchenoiria in July to live with her wife, the Prime Minister of Lauchenoiria, to participate in meetings without returning to Kerlile. Hale and her four-year-old daughter Amelia are the last two living descendants of the Hale Founder through the unbroken female line. Due to this, Hale has been unable to appoint a proxy since the move, as a proxy must also be a Daughter of the Council by this definition.

Many are surprised with this move, as Hale’s departure was lamented by many as the start of the “death of reform” in the Matriarchy; however reform has continued at an even greater pace since; which indicates that at least two Councillors who remain members of the Women’s Party have become more open to reformist ideas. While the identity of these two remains unconfirmed, it is suspected that Councillors Chiu and Viallamando have been the most open to reformist ideals in the past.

Councillor Chiu in particular has made numerous media statements since April that imply she is reconsidering her position on reform. Indeed, it was Chiu that released the full text of the original Founders’ Manifesto which had been censored for decades. And Chiu has also called for the Council to review rejected political party applications with “more lenient criteria” for acceptance.

In what will come as an even more shocking move to everyone with the most basic familiarity with the matter of Amelia Quinn and her allegations about a 1934 massacre at the Castle of Grapes, there has also been talk in the Council of accepting Quinn’s claim to sit on the Council of Kerlile as a descendant of the previously-unknown Founding Mother Audrey Quinn. The Council has not yet confirmed or denied the alleged massacre, but they have admitted to the existence of six further Founders to the international media – though the domestic education curriculum has not been updated to reflect this.

When contacted, Councillor Hale did not respond to a request for comment on the virtual Council participation change.

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