
2024 Eirian Election Results: A Brief Overview

As of noon today, the final ballot counting and recounting for the 2024 Eirian national elections have come to an end, and the results have been certified by both the national and provincial election councils. Are you excited to find out how your favorite factions fared? Well, this guide will break down the overall election results for Eiria in 2024.


Unsurprisingly, Chancellor Leah Stendē (and her new running mate, Dr. Amalē Ward) won reelection in the first round, retaining the Unity Alliance’s executive power. However, this victory was closer than her first election, with 55.87% selecting her in the first round compared to 60.76% in 2022. According to election experts, this has less to do with either alternative ticket poaching coalition votes as it does with more Unity Alliance voters refraining to mark the executive part of their ballot, choosing against supporting an executive candidate entirely. This could be due to a recent lack of confidence in Stendē on a variety of fronts, most notably foreign policy. However, neither of Stendē’s opponents had nearly enough traction to pose a major challenge to her leadership, with the right-wing Duket-Aininš ticket receiving 23.27% of votes and the left-wing Duvald-Delīl candidacy earning 16.84%.


While the complete election details of each of Eiria’s 90 legislative kōrtairs could be the subject of several different articles, the overview of the party groups is as follows:

Socialists for Eiria: 28 (+6)

True Progressives: 47 (-10)

United Greens: 75 (+0)

United Moderate Left: 112 (-20)

United Centrists: 39 (+5)

Allied Moderate Right: 45 (+6)

Free Moderate Conservatives: 41 (+12)

Formido [Practical Strength]: 54 (-4)

Non-inscrits: 9 (+5)

Evidently, the biggest losers this election cycle were the ModLefts, who lost 20 of their estimated 38 “Falling Seats” in the Senate. The Free Moderate Conservatives benefitted the most from these free seats, followed by the Socialists and the Allied ModRights. There was also a large spike in independent parties being elected to national office as well, with the number of non-inscrit Senators jumping to over twice what it was after the election in 2022.

Evidently, the Unity Alliance’s legislative coalition, while worse for wear, remains intact, as the Alliance’s parties hold 271 seats out of 450. However, the internal shift inside the Coalition ranks represents a changing power dynamic. Now, if the Moderate Right Senators were to leave the Alliance, the remaining coalition would only have the majority by one vote. That margin of error is too close to risk in a 450-seat legislature, and as such, one must wonder if this development could lead to more concessions being given to the center and center-right during this next legislative session.

Provincial Elections

It is a bit harder to properly compare Eiria’s regional elections to the national ones, as provincial parties of the same name often sit with different parliamentary groups (for example, the Nōrdjura Libertarians sit with the Centrists, while the Monter Libertarians sit with the FMC). As such, analysis usually refrains from using party names when listing provincial coalitions, instead using their general position on the left-right spectrum. However, the estimated party group of each province’s governor will be written in parentheses.

Geminus Province: Left to Center-Right Coalition, Center-Left Governor (ModLeft)

Jurmala Province: Left to Center Coalition, Center-Left Governor (ModLeft)

Kōt-Libre Province: Left to Center-Right Coalition, Centrist Governor (Centrist)

Krastalen Province: Left to Center-Right Coalition, Center-Left Governor (ModLeft)

Monter Province: Center-Right to Right Coalition, Right Governor (Formido)

Murdarbe Province: Left to Center Coalition, Left Governor (Green)

Nōrdjura Province: Left to Center-Left Coalition, Center-Left Governor (ModLeft)

Plakanlauki Province: Center to Center-Right/Right Coalition, Right Governor (FMC)

Serenity Province: Left to Center-Left Coalition, Left Governor (Green)

Races of Note

Besides the overall scope of this year’s election, we also wanted to highlight the results of two Kōrtairs in particular before the electoral analysts get too caught up in the full details of the election. These notable Kōrtairs are Monter 3 and Nōrdjura 11. First, socialist activist Aleks Lariā succeeded in his bid to become Monter Province’s first far-left senator since 1998, gaining the fourth seat in his province’s third Kōrtair. Second, Tervali activist Tela Aransa-Kerlai won the second seat in the Kōrtair of Nōrdjura 11 after a massive spike in voter turnout from areas that are more ethnically Tervali. Her party, the recently-formed Tervali League, seeks to bring more awareness to Tervali issues as Senator-elect Aransa-Kerlai sits in the Senate as an independent.


As campaigns wind down and governing resumes in full force, it is important to understand that political campaigns not only serve as potential stepping stones for politicians, but as valuable influences on the country as a whole. Issues brought up during debates and speeches will without a doubt reach the Senate floor, and many politicians will have to start changing their legislative agenda to reflect the public’s interests. This election cycle may not have been as exciting or uncertain as its predecessor in 2022, but it will certainly have lasting effects on Eiria’s political climate as a whole. And those effects will become quickly visible as the Stendē-Ward administration begins to nominate Ministers and committee chairs in the coming weeks.

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