
Lauchenoirian Parliament Election Results Expected Tonight

Two hands holding pieces of paper above a ballot box

The results of the Lauchenoirian Federal Parliament election which took place on Sunday are expected this evening. Counting was slowed due to difficulty recruiting a sufficient quantity of poll workers who meet the criteria of not being politically active within the last 5 years. Political activism has increased rapidly since the end of the civil war in 2018.

The political landscape in Lauchenoiria has changed rapidly since the last set of federal elections in 2020. The two most prominent political parties, the Liberals and Communists, have both seen splinter groups form in Together for Lauchenoiria, and the True Communist Movement. Both splinter groups have big names in charge, and opinion polling has been all over the place, with nobody willing to issue any clear predictions on who is likely to win.

What predictions we do have tend to focus on local changes or smaller parties. The right-wing Costeno-based Catholic Party, which do not presently have any representation at a federal level, have been gaining increased media attention as rates of religious belief rise. Also gaining a large amount of media attention is the far-right Costenan Resurgence, which supports an independent Costeno and “increased attention” towards former Costenan colonies.

Predicted to lose seats are the Aelurian Independence Party, which following the rejection of independence in the Aelurian referendum of 2019 has been losing support to more radical elements after their acceptance and compliance with the result. The Pacifist Party is also under threat, as Lauchenoirians have generally supported interventionist policies in Auria and Huenya, with the Pacifists being seen by many as “appeasers” of foreign dictators.

Results are expected within the next hours.

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