A naval encounter occurred Sunday morning in which a Xiomeran fleet menaced Lauchenoirian vessels sailing near Mallacaland in international waters, several sources have reported. According to the reports, the Lauchenoirian ships were engaging in routine patrols near Mallacaland when they were encountered
The last stronghold of the former communist regime in Taragai has fallen to monarchist forces, ending a decades-long regime that once controlled that country. Forces loyal to the self-declared Khatun of Taragai, Ebegei Qoriqacha, seized the city of Khogne today. Khogne was
“How long will Zargothrax last?” has become a question with many meanings as the country’s civil conflict stalls somewhat, with three factions bedding down in the territory they already hold. Active fighting has, for the most part, stopped – but now one
DTNS Special Report It was the campaign promise that shook the world. On January 31, 2024, then-presidential candidate Neina Arana told supporters that Milintica should restart its long-dormant nuclear weapons program. “Milintica must do everything it can to defend itself. This includes
The transitional government of Taragai has rejected an offer from Huenya to send an expeditionary force of volunteer soldiers to help fight a Xiomeran-backed rebellion in the west of the country. “While we are grateful for the offer from Huenya, it is
The already frosty relationship between Huenya and Milintica grew even colder today, as the Huenyan government announced sweeping sanctions against the government of Neina Arana. “Effective immediately, the Huenyan Federation will place officials linked to the Milintican Communist Party and the regime
Democratic Times News Service, Queensgrace: The High Fellsian government has announced it will finance a major hospital development in Taragai aimed at treating those injured and displaced by the country’s civil war. The hospital, located near the town of Tariaraat in western
The Huenyan Federal Legislature has ratified the Dassault Treaty today with a unanimous vote in favor in the Chamber of Executives. The Chamber of Deputies voted 271-27 in favor, with 20 abstentions. Two Deputies were absent and did not vote. The abnormally
In a press conference that rocked the political community yesterday evening, Chancellor Stendē and Minister of the Caxcanan Union Renata Kalina unveiled a groundbreaking new treaty outlining various new institutions for the Union of Caxcanan States. Titled the “Dassault Treaty,” the institutions
Rebel forces fighting for the self-declared Khatun of Taragai, Ebegei Qoriqacha, have taken control of a key communist stronghold and are advancing rapidly towards the former government faction’s capital of Khogne, according to reports. The rebel forces began advancing southeast from Töv
Ben Bo Bien, Doi Nam – The offensive launched over a week ago into the north of Doi Nam by the Doinamese Army to root out and destroy the DLA has hit a stumbling block. The dense jungle combined with the DLAs