(Above: Chancellor Recardo addressing reporters) After a months-long campaign, that has resulted in criticism and mass protests against the DAF and the Recardo Administration, victory over the DRF has been declared. Chancellor Recardo released the following statement: “It is with honor that
The Doatian Armed Forces has eroded the DRF’s control of Hunaq. DRF controlled territory in the region has shrunk to only about 5 city blocks. In November of last year, General Organa pled with the People’s Chamber about supporting the Chancellor’s proposal
After a weeks long campaign to secure the nation, Commander Organa has testified before the Chamber. Her testimony confirms what need agencies have been saying for weeks: Hunaq has fallen to the DRF. With the Doatia Armed Forces making gains against the
(Above: Queen Aiyisha delivers an address before the People’s Chamber.) This afternoon Chancellor Recardo delivered an address updating Doatian’s on what’s being called the “DRF Insurrection” and declared a state of emergency. As part of her address, the Chancellor informed Doatians that
(Above: DRF occupation force outside Hunaq) Roughly 30% of DIA operatives in the nation walked out of DIA HQ in solidarity Wednesday, and nearly 20% of DAF soldiers stationed across the nation followed suit shortly after. This comes after a massive broadcast