Mr. Paul Poltava – 28/05/2023Novella City, Xeles, Novella IslandsNovellan National News Service The Senate of the Novella Islands faces being written out of the Constitution Parliament today passed an act authorising the Director of the National Electoral Administration, Dr. Joe Herblum, alongside
Mr. Paul Poltava – 05/01/2023Novella City, Xeles, Novella IslandsNovellan National News Service The Dell Government’s Indiscriminate Weapons Partial Ban Act 2023 enters law The Indiscriminate Weapons Stockpile Reduction, Satisfactory Upkeep, and Partial Prohibition on Usage Act 2023 – better known by its
OOC Note: This article is no longer considered canonical.Please enjoy it for its own intrinsic value. Mr. Paul Poltava – 17/01/2022Novella City, Xeles, Novella IslandsNovellan National News Service The Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA) released these exemplars, following the new legal requirements.