Sanctus – The Sanctarian National Times can reveal exclusively this morning that an independent report sought by the Department of Homeland Security into military readiness will advise the government to amend the Constitution to remove or “amend” the long-standing neutrality clause. It
Sanctus – Secretary for Homeland Security Nicola Allman today told the House of Deputies that her department was considering selling the embattled government of Huenya “surplus armaments” to supplement the government forces as the fight for control of the nation’s capital enters
Sanctus – Homeland Security Secretary Nicola Allman today announced that security at the SDF Naval Base in Huenya would be “heightened” in light of the assassination of the country’s head of government, as well as insurrection attempts in half of the fledgling
Sanctus – The House of Deputies will today debate an opposition motion to split out Space Command from the Air Force to create a brand new service in the Sanctarian Defence Forces dedicated to space security. The Sanctarian Conservative Party motion would
Sanctus – Sanctarian Conservative Party leader Kate Cruz today promised a referendum to remove mandated neutrality from the Constitution if the SCP gained power in the next House of Deputies. Calling the policy “outdated in a more militant International Democratic Union”, Cruz
When Sooma MP Nicola Allman announced she had received enough signatures from her parliamentary colleagues to allow her to stand for leadership of the Democratic Left Party, the first question that left the mouths of most political journalists was “who?”; the second
Sanctus – Secretary of Homeland Security, Kathryn Stewart, today confirmed that the Sanctarian naval base in Huenya would be reinforced with more troops from the Sanctarian Defence Forces in light of increased unrest in the region. The move comes after the Sanctarian
Sanctus – Labour Secretary Jessica Scott is to today announce new legislation in parliament that will remove the ban on police officers being able to form and join trade unions. The move, which was a part of the Democratic Left Party’s election
Sanctus – Secretary for Homeland Security, Kathryn Stewart MP, today announced to the House of Deputies that Sanctaria had concluded negotiations with the Huenyan Federation to establish a naval base at Port Ixtenco for the Sanctarian Defence Forces. The Fourth Fleet of
Cristi – The government jet that disappeared returning from Lauchenoiria with convicted killer Jasmine Eddington has been found in the valleys of the Gregory Mountain range. The wreckage had five bodies in addition to that of Eddington, the Department of Homeland Security