Election 2022: Spartacus Jones

Spartacus Jones was born Robert Jones, however, at the age of 37, his personality is around his new name Spartacus Jones. Jones is part of the Afro-Slokasian community the descendants of slaves brought over during the 1800s. Jones was a drummer in the rock band, Red Bear Revolt but left after he attacked a fan during a performance for calling him a different drummer. He then went on a spiritual retreat coming back with the new name Spartacus Jones. He then became a public speaker and wrote a self-help book. In early 2022 he founded Revolt!, a left-wing populist political party. He so far financed himself on his own funds but has gained a cult following to his ideals of Christian Socialism through spiritual education and school prayer but also giving a gun to every citizen and giving away $100,000 every month to 10 lucky people. So far his party is polling at 1.1% in San Fernando and he himself is polling at 0.4% in the Presidential Race. In March, he ranted for 2 hours on social media, discussing everything from Rene Gramont to Milincta.

At a rally in San Jose, he wore a bulletproof vest and held the Book of Luminaries of the Minjian Fath, his speech was more of a rant of Minjian Spirituality, Socialism, and his hatred of Sun-Marts. 

“I really fu**ing hate SunMart man, they have those little chips, the taste really bad man” 

He then spoke about how the 6th Edict of Minjian meant that a socialist state should be established to better provide for the people. The crowd was mostly fans of his from his Red Bear Revolt days; some have read his self-help book “Spartacus Jones: 20 Tips for You!”. There was a long line of people buying the book by the exit. 

“Spartacus Jones he gets people,” said Cameron Chan 

“He is the only guy who has no cares, all these politicians are fake, he is the only real one,” he said adjusting his cap and just said “Revolt! Screw You” 

Even if he is very unique as a candidate, he may actually win a seat in San Fernando if he gets above 1.5% in the province. 

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