King Shapur XIV of Zargothrax has been rushed to hospital following an explosion in his personal science laboratory located in the basement of the Royal Palace. A spokesperson for the Royal Family has assured the public that there were ‘zero suspicious circumstances’
“How long will Zargothrax last?” has become a question with many meanings as the country’s civil conflict stalls somewhat, with three factions bedding down in the territory they already hold. Active fighting has, for the most part, stopped – but now one
Civil war is burgeoning in Zargothrax, the latest conflagration in the so-called plague of civil wars. This is an update on the situation in the Thraxian peninsua. The capital city of Castle Zargo, and surrounding land to the north-west is presently held
Jérémie Mathieu is the candidate of the Brissiac Union Party, a political party which represents the interest of the Brissican population in Kolda. Currently, Mathieu is polling at 14% nationwide with 65% in the Brissiac Region. Although unlikely to win on a
As the 2024 Election approaches in mid-sized state in Neria, we look at the leading face of the opposition, Jissel Baoul. Currently polling at 33%, the highest for any opposition candidate since 2010, can Jissel Baoul lead the Democratic Action Party (DAP)
THE NAHRAVAN TRIBUNE, HADRAM — If you were a tourist who found yourself walking through even the most populated cities in Nahrava on September 24th, you’d be forgiven for thinking you were in a ghost town. A stroll through the main streets
Today, the Democratic Action Party, the largest opposition party in Kolda announced a joint ticket with the the Regional People’s Alliance, a center-aligned party located primarily in Kendougou-Saboresse and other eastern regions of Kolda. Their unified candidate Jissel Baoul, a DAP Senator
The Matriarchy of Kerlile has recognised the independence of the island of Samara, off the east coast of Zargothrax. The island, which is presently ruled by a cat, was granted independence by King Shapur of Zargothrax; however the international community has been
1984, proved to be the most instrumental year in the history of the Koldan State. To understand the 2024 Election, one must understand 1984. After over a decade of a brutal civil war, whose name changes on who you’re asking, (we will
Kolda is a muti-ethnic and muti-linguistic nation that packs such diversity within its borders. In the 2024 Election, however, these identities will once again be a political factor. To understand the issue, a quick history lesson. Kolda is traditionally home to two
In 2024, Kolda will vote for President and the National Assembly for the first time in 5 years. At stake is the future of the rapidly growing Nerian state. Will voters approve another 5 years of KLF-U control or will the political