
Warren Confirms She Will Seek Re-election

Haven – Governing-Mayor of Haven June Warren has confirmed that she will be standing in next April’s Haven City Council elections with a view to being re-elected to her position. Warren, whose first term began on 01 July 2019 is a hugely popular politician in the Cleric City, with many supporters pointing to her independent affiliation, and willingness to work with city councillors from any party, as points in her favour.

Warren’s decision was in doubt, with some sources suggesting she felt “disappointed” by local politics, having served two terms in the federal Senate. Others have said that she felt her time in politics “took away from” the original causes that propelled her to notoriety, such as her annual Feed the Children drives, which still take place though often without her presence. The sixty-five year old Anchorage native was also reported to be eager to officially retire and return to her hometown, way out of the spotlight.

The billionaire turned activist turned politician today however put such speculation about her intentions to rest, albeit in her usually non-showy style with a simple press release from her office. “Governing-Mayor Warren is happy to confirm that she will be standing for re-election to the office of Governing-Mayor in the 2024 Haven City Council elections.” was the succinct statement issued to the press this afternoon, with her office declining to take any “campaign-related calls, as that would be inappropriate”.

Warren choosing to stay in Haven, however, does have an impact on the federal parties. Newly installed SCP leader Julie Chrisintim was said to be eager to offer her a significant “ambassadorship or other governmental role” had she retired and the SCP won the next election. It’s believed Homeland Security Secretary Nicola Allman was also eyeing up Warren as a potential replacement for SIS Director Alexandra Maye, who retires after two terms next February; Warren had served as an influential, effective, and outspoken member of the Senate sub-committee on Intelligence in her time in the upper house, to great acclaim by people across both parties and none. Warren’s decision today means those plans may have to be re-thought.

ADELE WALSH, Haven Editor and AHMED PATEL, Political Correspondent

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