
Ambassador Neal at LIDUN makes plea for discussion

Ambassador Lucious Neal, shown above, Doatia’s official ambassador to LIDUN, spoke on the floor of the Economic and Development Council this afternoon. The Doatian government is still recovering from decades of stagflation and recession. There is a large debt and a slow improving deficit. Doatia’s reputation on the world stage remains strained, largely due to recent alignment on the national stage with Pro-Xiomeran adjacent attitude, and former Princess Ayana’s outbursts regarding global dominance.

The fact of the matter is, Doatia is in need of favorable trade deals, foreign investment, and a central body that encourages investment, is prepared for disaster, and perhaps most importantly, a central bank itself that can hold debt for member nations in the form of risk-free loans.

While the proposal has not even been officially written, Ambassador Neal pressed for discussion and participation to move the process forward. The proposal has sat dormant since October of last year, with only Doatia delivering remarks.

Ambassador Neal: “It is regrettable that such an urgent and necessary proposal before the famed LIDUN body, and delegations from around the world are silent on the matter of a World Development Bank. Whether it’s building up 3rd world nations, investing in economic growth and cooperation, being an enforcement body of LIDUN in the implementation of sanctions, or assisting nations facing disaster, crisis, or fiscal meltdown. It is essential and necessary for the world order, for stability, for LIDUN. I ask of my colleagues, represent in your participation the reality of the importance of such a body, should the World Development Bank be discussed, debated, officially introduced, discussed and debated again, voted on, and hopefully implemented. Time is of the essence. Each procrastinated moment represents lost opportunity. Thank you!”

As of the writing of this article, no other member of LIDUN has responded.

Claudia Thompson, Senior Editor and Senior Doatian Correspondent to LIDUN

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