First Presidential Debate
Hello, and welcome to the First 2022 Presidential Debate, I am John Hartell of SIBC, and tonight, 6 candidates will be put before the nation, and be asked by members of the SIBC and the public about their positions, goals, and aspirations. Tonight all candidates before you who polled over 5%. Starting from the left, we have George Oliver: Independent, Joseph Zhang: Centrist, Sean Khan: Green, Joseph Chavez: National Alliance, Brooke Weasley: Conservative, and Micheal Spencer: New Right.
Hartell: We shall begin with opening statements, Repensentive Oliver will start us off.
George Oliver: We have a world in turmoil, a county on the brink of crisis, crime in our cities, terrorism and extremism run rampant, and what does this government want to do? Raise tax and corporate tax on small businesses and companies that power our country, we need a President who will balance tradition and innovation, that is why I am running for President.
Shadow Prime Minister, Zhang?
Zhang: I believe that now is the point where we can truly reform the government to work better and work smarter. Yet radicals wish to take us down a path of government bureaucracy and mismanagement that will damage our economy. I stand for a reformed, yet a stable state of order. I have worked in the business sector, and I know what it’s like to manage and negotiate, that’s what I did as your President, and I believe that order needs to be brought back into govermeant.
Mr. Khan?
Khan: We are in an emergency, although great progress has been made if we don’t give a hand to working people it would all be for nothing. Many politicians wish to only change things for themselves and their assets, I was born and raised on a farm, a farm where hard work and cooperation were rewarded, that’s the mindset I brought to the office in 2000 and I intend to do so with a vision for our future.
President Chavez?
Chavez: Over the last 2 years, I have pushed to expand social security, healthcare, and support for all Slokaisans. Yet we still face many challenges, all of which we have managed to navigate, employment is at its highest, joblessness is low, and social mobility has increased. All of this is being threatened by traditionalists who intend to build a country that only works for themselves and their profits.
Ms. Weasley?
Weasley: This government is leading Socialism to guide them forward, there letting big-city liberal elites and unions control our government. If they had their way, this country would be economically challenged, and religion and tradition went by the way-side. As I did back in the 90s, I will bring law and order, tradition, and family values to Slokais. I will stand against big-state and foreign interests and push for a free-market economy.
Finally, Representative Spencer?
Oliver: This country is going down a dark, dark path. We are leaving behind our traditions and values in favor of catering to a global agenda. I work for New Brighton, not Butterfly City, we need to fight for our freedoms and stand up to the current regime and defend our values. I am running to save Slokais from foreigners, to save our nation in our values.