Sanctus – Sanctaria’s Deputy Ambassador to the World Assembly, Antoine Rousseau, has been nominated by the government today as the nation’s first Ambassador to the League of IDU Nations. The nomination comes after the body formally adopted its establishment charter, with civil servants from the Department of Foreign Affairs serving as temporary Sanctarian representatives to this date.
Announcing his nomination in the House of Deputies today, Foreign Secretary Kathryn Stewart said his previous diplomatic experience, as well as the added international legislative experience that he gained while in the World Assembly, meant that Rousseau was the “most logical, and most qualified” candidate available to take the role. His nomination now advances to the Senate Select-committee on Foreign Affairs. He is not expected to face a difficult confirmation process.
Rousseau, who comes from Galvium, has worked for the Sanctarian Department of Foreign Affairs for over 25 years. He had served as an Ambassador or Deputy Ambassador to a number of nations, including Buckingham, Holy Thebes, and Ossitannia, as well as most recently serving in the World Assembly as Deputy Ambassador.
Opposition parties welcomed his nomination, agreeing with Stewart on his credentials, and wished him the best of luck in the confirmation process and, if confirmed, in post as the inaugural Ambassador to LIDUN. It is understood the Sanctarian Department of Foreign Affairs intends to establish a sizeable mission at the League, given the impact it can potentially have on the Divine Federation, à la the mission at the World Assembly.
KIM TOWERS, Foreign Editor