Following yesterday’s announcement of both Xiomeran involvement in support of Khatun Ebegei and Misumi’s support of the democratic forces, Yoshnoubu Abo has ordered the National Army to the border with Taragai. In a statement to the National House of State, the Shogun declared “the involvement of two foreign powers, particularly of two states which as oppose the Sansongian people in a nearby nation, is cause for concern”.
Despite, Lao Sansong’s high weapon ownership and warrior culture, the National Army in relatively small and consists of around 75,000 troops mainly from Kanjishima City. This is due to each Daimyo having there own military force, independent of the central government. It remains unclear if other Damiyos would approve of such involvement as the last time the entire military might of Lao Sansong was used was during the 1980s Misumi Border Wars. In addition, due to the power of the Arikata faith, many wouldn’t support a conflict unless it was declared “holy”. The last time such an event happened was in 1963, when Lao Sansong invaded Haesan. Etiher way, the National Army has promised to not cross into Taragai unless a escalation occurred. None of this will prevent involvement from Samurai or there contract companies, as many have granted themselves the right by the holy way of Arikata. This is due to Xiomera being seen as an enemy and any violence against them is justified. This is following a brief involvement in the Conflict in Huenya in 2023, were a Sansongian samurai evacuated a Sasongian international school with some support.
Experts believe the Shoguns mobilization is in response to Misumi, a traditional enemy of Lao Sansong becoming involved. There are longstanding tensions between the two nations which share a ethnic background and a similar language, although practice different religions and have different forms of government. The National Army will join a small group of farmers who have mobilized since the Tagrai conflicts start in 2023 known as the Sansongian Frontier Patrol (SFP). The SFP have been active at various times though are usually much less equipped then even the National Army with mostly Great War-era vehicles and weapons being repurposed.