Sanctus – Sanctarian Conservative Party leader Kate Cruz today promised a referendum to remove mandated neutrality from the Constitution if the SCP gained power in the next House of Deputies. Calling the policy “outdated in a more militant International Democratic Union”, Cruz said that “the people should decide if they want Sanctaria to let others in the region die to uphold rights we hold dear”.
The Democratic Left Party, on the other hand, have stated they have no intention to put the question to the people, with outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Kathryn Stewart saying that “our neutrality is what helps sets us apart in the region. Other nations come to us as leaders and peacemakers because of it”. New DLP leader Ethan Ringrose endorsed his colleague Stewart saying “there is no public appeitite to visit this issue. Sanctarians don’t want the SDF, or their government, proactively seeking dangerous wars. We have are well respected as peacekeepers and mediators, and I am sure ordinary Sanctarians don’t want to put that at risk.
Polling has suggested that Sanctarians do favour maintaining neutrality – by 86% to 14% – but only a slim majority favour keeping it as a constitutional provision, rather than something that can be changed by ordinary legislation; 57% of respondents would prefer to keep it in the Constitution.
The question of Sanctarian neutrality has come up often in the House over the past decade, with increased defence spending year on year, as well as a growing defence forces. The SCP in particular have been very critical of the DLP for continuing to increase spending, continuing to invest in better technology, and new equipment and vehicles, but maintain what they call “a façade” of neutrality.
The Green Party and the Christian Union Parties both released statements today saying they favoured keeping the neutrality clause in the Constitution. The NSP said they would look at the issue in the first House session after the election.
GWEN COPLEY, Political Correspondent