By National Political Correspondent Han Min-ji

DEMOCRACITY, FREE LAND OF THE IDU: This morning, the President of the League of IDU Nations from the Eirian delegation has approved Haesan’s request to join the organization. This move comes as a win for those in Haesanite politics who have favored deeper ties to international politics, and will see Haesan take its largest role on the international stage in its history.

One of those ardent internationalists, Liberal Democratic Whip Martin Lee (Lib Dem – Namhae) is ecstatic about the move, saying “It is time Haesan steps up and fulfills its obligations on a world stage. In a geopolitical environment that is increasingly hostile to our interests, we must continue to press for a better world, and a better IDU.”

Haesan, and the rest of the LIDUN member states, now eagerly await the Eirian delegation’s nomination of the 14 additional Security Council seats. Haesanite political commentators are optimistic that Haesan will be one of those named, especially given our strong economic ties to Eiria and our help in rebuilding the nation after their civil war. The timeline for this announcement is uncertain, but it will likely come within the next few days.

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