For the past three years, Huenya has faced the challenging task of rebuilding its infrastructure following its independence from Xiomera. As the country’s economy has rebounded and foreign investment has increased, Huenya has also seen a bit of a building boom. This has been most pronounced in major cities such as Acalan and Ixtenco. Huenyan officials and business leaders have taken these challenges as a chance to rebuild Huenya in a green and sustainable way.
The first test case for green construction in Huenya was the Chuaztlapoc Modern City (CMC) complex in the Green Zone of the Huenyan capital Chuaztlapoc. Originally conceived in 2022 as a housing complex for Huenyan officials and foreign nationals, CMC has expanded to add retail and office components as well. CMC was constructed with a tiered facade draped with plants and vines, with trees and further greenery on the roofs. The CMC buildings were also constructed with energy-saving escalators and elevators, as well as a high-efficiency and energy-saving HVAC system. CMC also adapted a traditional feature of Huenyan construction to modern use by utilizing a rainwater harvesting system. Energy-efficient lighting with automated sensors was used. Energy-saving window glass, insulation and exterior wall materials were also used. CMC achieved a 16 percent reduction in energy and water usage, as well as carbon emissions, compared to typical Huenyan buildings within its first year of operation.
The success of the CMC project led Huenyan officials to work with the business community to hammer out a set of green building guidelines. The HSEC (Huenyan Sustainable Engineering Certification) guidelines provide a framework for the design, construction and operation of commercial and residential buildings and communities. HSEC offers grants, cash incentives and tax incentives to encourage projects that meet HSEC guidelines. The introduction of HSEC in 2023 has led to a surge of green projects in Huenya. According to the Department of the Environment, which administers the HSEC program, 1649 projects meeting HSEC guidelines have either been built, or are being built, in Huenya since January 2023. An additional 353 existing buildings have been refitted to meet HSEC guidelines.

HSEC guidelines are also being expanded to other infrastructure projects as well. “When Huenya was pillaged and stripped by the Xiomeran Empire prior to independence being achieved, this was initially seen as a major setback. But lately, we see it as an actual opportunity,” Environment Secretary Cuyuchi told DTNS. “During the time of Imperial rule, sustainability and environmentalism were never a priority. But as we’re rebuilding Huenya, and building it anew, we can avoid the mistakes of the previous regime and do things right now. Our goal is to have Huenya be an example to the world of what can be achieved when government, business and citizens make a commitment to grow sustainably.” The official goal of the Huenyan government with HSEC is “40 By 40” – a 40 percent reduction in energy and water usage, as well as carbon emissions, by the year 2040. Secretary Cuyuchi acknowledged that this was a very ambitious goal, but said that “great results are never achieved by setting a low bar.”