After the longest recorded delay in releasing election results in Milintican history, Neina Arana of the Milintican Communist Party has been declared the winner of the presidential race.
The Peoples’ Electoral Committee made the announcement at 9:45pm Milintican time on September 2nd, sending shockwaves through the small country. It marks the first time since 1917 that someone other than a member of the Milintican Peoples’ Party has been elected president.
Candidate | Party | Votes | Percent |
Neina Arana | Communist Party | 1,975,056 | 35.40 |
Matōchmizalo | Peoples’ Party | 1,952,213 | 34.99 |
Keke Taimona | Progressive Party | 777,080 | 13.93 |
Mikaere Akarana | Green Party | 376,705 | 6.75 |
Yoliyamanixiuitl | Isolationist Party | 248,375 | 4.45 |
Quetzaltaca | Movement for Return | 142,912 | 2.56 |
Paiwa Winiata | Paora Alliance Party | 75,475 | 1.35 |
Eiwi Watihana | Independent | 30,769 | 0.55 |
Total | 5,578,585 | 100.00 |
The results for the Representative Assembly elections also appear to have brought an end to decades of MPP dominance. Between the seats the MCP holds and those of parties expected to ally with the MCP, the Communists now hold a two-seat advantage in the Assembly.
The announcement from the Electoral Committee sparked jubilation among the supporters of the Milintican Communist Party. The MCP’s rise from third among Milintican political parties, with a mere 12 seats in the Assembly, to gaining apparent control over both Haven House and the Assembly was described as “the end of a long and miserable drought” by Miyaoanite, campaign manager for the Arana campaign. Arana herself, in her victory speech, said that the MCP “would lead Milintica back to the values and mission of the 1917 revolution” and praised her supporters for “never giving up even in the face of what we were told was an impossible effort.”
“Together, we will change Milintica, and we will change the world,” Arana said to her cheering faithful.
For his part, incumbent President Matōchmizalo of the MPP refused to give a concession speech to his supporters. He also refused to call Arana to congratulate her, or concede the election. Instead, in a statement to the media, his campaign manager Wiremu Witika said that they would demand a recount of the votes. “Given how close the final result was, and the very real likelihood that the MCP cheated somehow in this election, we are not prepared to hand Arana the crown just yet,” Witika said. He also indicated that the MPP would call for “review of irregularities” in the Assembly elections as well.
Matōchmizalo himself said that his party would appeal the election results and the PEC count all the way to the nation’s Supreme Tribunal of Justice, if need be. “This fight is far from over,” the President told his supporters at their own rally after the election results were announced.
With the narrow result and the unexpected shift in power from the MPP, along with widespread skepticism among the MPP and its allied parties about the legitimacy of the vote count, Milintican law enforcement and military forces are on high alert for possible unrest. The PEC headquarters remains under heavy guard, as does the Supreme Tribunal of Justice which may decide the final outcome of the election. MPP activists have also been blocked from attempting to march on MCP party offices in several cities, with the security forces standing between MCP and MPP supporters trying to prevent further clashes.