
Milintica deploys army to end protests

The Peoples’ Democratic Army of Milintica has been deployed to several cities in that country to bring an end to recent protests. Initial reports indicate that hundreds of people have been detained, as the Army provides backup to the National Police to


Arana declared president-elect in Milintica

After the longest recorded delay in releasing election results in Milintican history, Neina Arana of the Milintican Communist Party has been declared the winner of the presidential race. The Peoples’ Electoral Committee made the announcement at 9:45pm Milintican time on September 2nd,


Milintican elections in dead heat

As polls closed in Milintica on September 1st, they ushered in the end of a day marked by heavy voter participation, police and soldiers on the streets, and sporadic incidents of violence as well as attempts by both the major parties involved


Candidates clash before Milintican elections

WAIRARAPA NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, MILINTICA – With just over a week before Milinticans go to the polls for national elections, the two leading candidates for President clashed in the only scheduled presidential debate. Incumbent President and Milintican Peoples’ Party leader Matōchmizalo has been facing