After the longest recorded delay in releasing election results in Milintican history, Neina Arana of the Milintican Communist Party has been declared the winner of the presidential race. The Peoples’ Electoral Committee made the announcement at 9:45pm Milintican time on September 2nd,
WAIRARAPA NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, MILINTICA – With just over a week before Milinticans go to the polls for national elections, the two leading candidates for President clashed in the only scheduled presidential debate. Incumbent President and Milintican Peoples’ Party leader Matōchmizalo has been facing
In response to the announcement by the Xiomeran government on January 14th that it would place missiles on an island it controls near Milintica, Milintican Communist Party premier and presidential candidate Neina Arana has said that Milintica should restart its long-abandoned nuclear
The Xiomeran Imperial Navy has imposed a blockade on Salad Land after a series of disputes between the two countries. Facing no resistance, Imperial forces have occupied the capital Port Salad. Imperial Marines attached to the Punitive Task Force currently hold both
Despite a government ban and heavy police presence, pro-democracy protests have resumed in the Taragaian capital Bor-Öndör and have spread to several other cities. In addition to re-occupying Tebengri Square, protesters have rallied in three other public parks in the capital. Protests
In her first speech on foreign policy since launching her presidential bid, Milintican Communist Party Premier Neina Arana sharply denounced foreign treaties and trade deals signed by her rival, President Matōchmizalo of the Milintican Peoples’ Party. “The deals that have been signed are
The Premier of the resurgent Milinitican Communist Party, Neina Arana, has formally announced that she will be running for the office of President in the 2024 Milintican elections. “The current so-called President and the counter-revolutionary elements that have taken over the Peoples’
The governments of Milintica and Wosteaque have reached an agreement that is expected to greatly bolster the Milintican military. While the exact details of the agreement are being kept classified, Milintican officials reported that Wosteaque has donated to them 50 modern fighter
Huenyan forces, backed by support from friendly nations, have begun to restore control over the capital Chuaztlapoc. The Huenyan Defense Department reported today that full control has been restored over the center of the Green Zone. Federation Hall, the Tecpancalli Tonaltzintli, and
A group of Milintican activists have been arrested by Xiomeran authorities after they entered a secured military zone on the Chenalco Islands as part of a protest. The Milintican activists are members of the Milintican Communist Party and were protesting Xiomeran occupation