Sanctus – Green Party leader, and Vice Chancellor, Josephine Chari-Jones declined to express confidence in embattled Chancellor Ethan Ringrose this evening, saying while it is “a matter for Ringrose”, the junior coalition partners would find it “difficult to continue serving with a
Seven people have died in a fire set during riots across Zongongia. The dead include three anti-government protesters, a security guard, two policemen and one pro-monarchy counter-protester. The fire took place in a building which used to house the Eirian Embassy, before
Inwaukosuwuk, Whetosonghnee – At 1:00pm this afternoon, various Whetosonghnean Army Units reported taking fire from Eikan positions near the DMZ. This was in addition to reports by the Whetosonghnean airforce of engagement with Eikan aircraft which had violated the nation’s airspace. The
Sanctus – The Office for Parliamentary Standards and Ethics have announced today they have passed their files on political party spending in the 2022 General Election to the Sanctarian Federal Police, with the recommendation they specifically look into spending on Chancellor Ethan