Democratic Times News Service, Queensgrace: The High Fellsian government has announced it will finance a major hospital development in Taragai aimed at treating those injured and displaced by the country’s civil war. The hospital, located near the town of Tariaraat in western
Miaoshi, Laeral— The Minjian High Conclave, the highest body of Minjian religious officials, issued a statement today from its headquarters in Miaoshi, denouncing the recent kidnapping and forced tattooing of two Lauchenoirian activists. “Acts against human decency and the integrity of the
Les Couloirs, Nov-2-2022 In a move eagerly anticipated by Laeral’s farmers’ lobby, the government announced a move towards legalizing a variety of genetically-modified (GM) crops in agriculture as soon as late 2023. Prime Minister Nicolas Martin, speaking with the press today, announced
Montgeron— The high-speed rail line extending between Montgeron, in northern Laeral, and High Fells’ principal cities of Queensgrace and Jindong was inaugurated today, capping off an infrastructure project over a decade in the making. The new rail line will carry passengers along
Songshan— A 27 year-old Rén man was brutally beaten in the custody of the Gendarmerie on September 4th, the second high-profile assault at the hands of Federal Gendarmes in weeks. Cai Zhigang, a cigarette vendor in the streets of suburban Songshan, was
Miaoshi— As Bai Jingfu walks through a rice field on a balmy afternoon in Peichen province, slung across his shoulder are tough wire-mesh traps. At the edge of the field, Bai carefully lays one down, baited with tender bamboo shoots. “There were many
Laeralsford— Republic House today denounced in harsh terms the recent coup in Cape Auria which removed the small Caxcanan nation’s government from power, calling for respect for human rights and unveiling targeted sanctions at officials supporting the Cordonnier regime. “The government of
The National Assembly passed the 21st Century Social Housing Act on Saturday, enshrining a right to housing in Laeralian law and fulfilling a key campaign promise of President Liu’s to establish a nationwide public housing authority and improve conditions in social housing
Thousands of protestors took to the streets of Laeralsford and other Laeralian cities today, demanding government action against climate change and calling for an international conference for governments to mandate immediate carbon emission targets.