Huenya passes three security measures

The Huenyan Federal Legislature has passed three security measures aimed at securing the country further as it recovers from the Golden Blade insurgency. The first measure, the Ensuring Proper Alignment of Huenyan


Doatia to Impose Severe Sanctions on Milintica as Chancellor Bertoni Condemns Arana’s Authoritarian Actions

Doatian Journal | December 6, 2024 In a bold move aimed at challenging the increasingly authoritarian regime of Milintican President Neina Arana, Chancellor Jax Bertoni of Doatia has convened a high-level meeting with the country’s Ministers of Treasury and Foreign Affairs to discuss imposing severe sanctions on Arana, her loyalists, and military officials. The sanctions are expected to target key figures within the Milintican government, military, and political sphere in response to Arana’s violent crackdown on protests and systematic erosion of democracy. Bertoni’s Strong Condemnation of Arana’s Actions The meeting, which took place at the Chancellor’s office on December 5,

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Huenya ratifies Dassault Treaty

The Huenyan Federal Legislature has ratified the Dassault Treaty today with a unanimous vote in favor in the Chamber of Executives. The Chamber of

Huenya embraces green building

For the past three years, Huenya has faced the challenging task of rebuilding its infrastructure following its independence from Xiomera. As the country’s economy

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